
Coming Soon:

Final Bible study session from Aaron and Karen

The Jason Born Again Identity videos

Monday, June 20, 2011

Want to see bigger pictures?

The pictures in our slide show are small, but you can easily see them enlarged. Let me explain the tools provided you.

First, if you hover your mouse tool over the slideshow a pause/arrow tool appears. You may stop the slideshow and go through the pictures at your own pace using the arrows.

Then, click on any picture and be taken to Picasa's website where the photos are hosted. There you will see larger versions you can download for yourself.

The files posted right now are smaller so they load quickly on the web, but at the end of the week we will be posting larger files you can download and print.


Kevin J. Dau
Camp Director

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the pictures. Great use of technology. It is great to see the pictures while the camp is on-going.
